Dedan Kimathi

Dedan Kimathi

“I don’t lead terrorists.  I lead Africans who want their self-government and land.  God did not intend that one nation be ruled by another for ever. “

4 responses to “Dedan Kimathi

  1. we Kenyans owe our freedom to you. we must protect our nation and freedom by blood if necessary as Dedan Kimathi did, if thats what it will take.

  2. The spirit of father dedan lies on our temper.we must fight for our nation no matter the size of sacrifice and blood we shed.if he suffered to death,i take any responce and believe that i was born to suffer.NB,i bear the spirit of him,i am him and live 4ever to better my nation.i dedan kimathi

  3. the hereos of yesteryear in kenya manifests your name. we live kimathi,we will die kimathi for you live with us iternally. rest in our peace.

  4. kimathi is the unchalleged kenya’s che guevara

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